Laser.Tekno.Music (2013)
For darkend room, smoke machine, green laser and tekno machines
A piece that tries to explore and embrace the genre conventions of both techno music and laser shows in an audio/visual symbiosis that resemble the glorious days when both expressions were new and promised a wonderful future for electronic based art-forms. Like a utopian re-enactment of the music of the machines, glorifying and mystifying the simple 16 step drum machine pattern, questions and reflects upon our electronic music reality.
Premiered at Open Days Festival, Aalborg 2013
For darkend room, smoke machine, green laser and tekno machines
A piece that tries to explore and embrace the genre conventions of both techno music and laser shows in an audio/visual symbiosis that resemble the glorious days when both expressions were new and promised a wonderful future for electronic based art-forms. Like a utopian re-enactment of the music of the machines, glorifying and mystifying the simple 16 step drum machine pattern, questions and reflects upon our electronic music reality.
Premiered at Open Days Festival, Aalborg 2013
Laser.Tekno.Music - excerpt